Video: Ingraham Returns, Slams ‘The Chilling Effect On Free Speech’

Host promises to expose ‘left’s plot to silence conservatives’

Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham returned from a forced vacation Monday and slammed the ‘chilling effect on free speech’ that prompted 19 advertisers to boycott her show in the wake of the Parkland shooting last month.

Ingraham vowed to further expose the ‘left’s plot to silence conservatives’ and discussed how forced censorship is being implemented under the cover of notions such as “microaggressions”, “safe spaces” and “white privilege.”

“The left’s propaganda shaped a new generation of young adults who then parroted that malarky about the patriarchy and microaggression and safe spaces.” Ingraham urged.

“Today, they use these terms as bludgeons to intimidate those who disagree with them from entering the dialogue at all,” she added.

“So for all their talk of inclusion, the left doesn’t invite more voices to enter the public discussion. Instead, they drive out any dissenting voice and police the dogma of their own creation.” the host exclaimed.

“The chilling effect on free speech and the workplace in the media, and in society at large is palpable. We all feel it. And the situation may be worsening.” Ingraham declared.

The host continued her monologue by explaining that extremist terms are being bandied around as a way of silencing debate.

“Every day, more issues are taken off the table all together and may longer be debated at all. So, in other words, if you are against affirmative action. You are a racist. And if you wear a Make America Great Again hat to a gun control rally and get beaten up, well, don’t expect a lot of sympathy from the attendees. And if you praise the military skill of Robert E. Lee, you are likely to be branded a defender of slavery,” Ingraham said.

The Fox host warned of “the intolerant left in action”.

“Whether it’s striking voices from social media, or driving certain viewpoints on the airwaves. Beating people up, organizing boycotts, for perceived unforgivable offenses or preventing speakers from being heard on a college campus, it’s all coming from the same place.” Ingraham ranted.


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