Reporter Confronts City Council For Supporting The Killing Of Babies
Owen Shroyer | Infowars.com – November 30, 2018 NewsWars.com reporter Owen Shroyer confronts Austin TX city council for renting land to Planned Parenthood for $1. My Take: So even at the local level – in […]

Study: Liberals “Dumb Down” Their Speech When Talking To Minorities
Another example of how the left is actually racist Jake Lloyd | Infowars.com – November 29, 2018 A new study conducted by Yale and Princeton researchers reveals that liberals in fact use less complicated language […]

Ever notice how Leftists always accuse you of being what they really are?
November 5, 2018 by BareNakedIslam 1 Comment Not a day goes by where the media and many Democrats don’t slander Trump, Christians, Republicans, Conservatives, and even white men as “Nazis” and “Hitler.” Even worse, those on […]

Warning: Second Migrant Caravan Heads to US
Only 200 miles behind first caravan…. My Take: So what happens when they get to our border? BECAUSE IT’S A SET UP! THIS IS NOT ORGANIC! Open border, globalist, aligned with the Left in this […]

Mall Security & Police Enforce Sharia in Minneapolis
In Bloomington, Minnesota – Hennepin County – sharia is being enforced by police and mall security at the Mall of America. To UTT followers, this is not surprising. This time, however, a Christian pastor was […]

The Left’s Greatest Super Weapon That Has Given Them Virtually Unchallenged Power is Now Starting To Show Cracks!
First we have to define what that super weapon is: Definition. No really that’s it in a nut shell… Ever since the mid 1960’s DEFINITION has been the building block, the foundation of their strength […]

Mainstream Media’s Slanderous, Libelous, Eerily 1984 Like, Desperate Attack To DESTROY Those That Upset Their Totalitarian Grip On Information
Worse than trying to maneuver your opponent into looking bad to win an argument. Worse than embarrassing someone or bending the truth or “putting your own spin” on the story to deflect criticism and make […]

Alex Jones suspended from Twitter after tweet calling to end censorship
Usually I give you “My Take” at the end of these posts. This post is SOOOO important that I have to give you my take right up front. Alex Jones is being attacked (taken off […]

Portland Stands Down In The Face Of Liberty- How Does Yahoo News Cover This?
First Amendment prevails in liberal stronghold Jon Bowne | Infowars.com – August 5, 2018 60 Comments Image Credits: Steve Dykes/Getty Images. Alex Jones brings you the showdown in Portland, Oregon between the Patriot Prayer rally […]

STUNNING: Obama Praises South African Leader Despite Race Killings and New Law that Seizes White Farmers’ Land without Compensation
by Jim Hoft August 3, 2018 516 Comments Barack Obama traveled to South Africa in July and delivered a speech at the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg. During the speech Obama called for […]