Tucker Carlson of Fox News Exposes Warmongers on Syria

Written by  Alex Newman

Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, who has become one of the station’s lead commentators, blew a massive hole this week in the bipartisan establishment’s warmongering narrative on Syria, the chemical attack blamed on dictator Bashar al-Assad, and much more. His historic monologue exposing the establishment’s lies and thirst for blood has gone viral across the Internet. In response, the establishment and its propagandists on both left and right freaked out, furiously accusing the mainstream Fox commentator of being “far-right.” Some especially unhinged voices even libeled him as a potential racist or even Russian propagandist — all for asking the tough questions that millions of war-weary Americans have been asking, too.

In a segment that some analysts described as Carlson’s “most important ever,” the enormously popular Fox News host began by pointing out that the entire D.C. establishment was demanding regime change in Syria, to be orchestrated by American military power. “Tonight leaders on both sides of the aisle in Congress, in the media, in our intelligence services, and in virtually every over-funded think tank in Washington, have suddenly aligned tonight on a single point of agreement: America must go to war in Syria, immediately,” Carlson explained. “Bashar al Assad cannot continue to lead that country, he must be overthrown!”

Carlson was responding to establishment howls for blood following the reported chemical attack outside Damascus over the weekend. Even before anything was known about the attack, the usual suspects — Deep State swamp creatures in both parties and in the “fake news” — were all demanding deeper U.S. military involvement to punish Assad. Outside of the Deep State’s propaganda machine, however, more than a few experts, commentators, ambassadors, foreign governments, and even United Nations weapons inspectors were suggesting that the attack may have been a “false flag” orchestrated by the establishment-backed jihadists waging war on Assad. Trump’s top officials, including Defense Secretary James Mattis, said the intelligence was still being assessed.

Carlson noted that fringe left-wing activist Howard Dean and neoconservative globalist Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) typically agree on very little. But both were calling for a U.S. war in Syria. “This morning the foreign policy team over at MSNBC explained that it’s far more important for American troops to fight in Syria than it is to secure our own border here in America,” Carlson continued before showing footage of radical left-wing MSNBC talking heads banging the war drums. “That ought to make you nervous.”

Universal bipartisan agreement on anything, Carlson continued, “is usually the first sign that something deeply unwise is about to happen, if only because there is nobody left to ask skeptical questions.” And Americans should be skeptical about the narrative on Syria, beginning with the poison gas attack, the Fox News host warned. “All the geniuses tell us that Assad killed those children, but do they really know that? Of course they don’t really know that, they’re making it up. They have no real idea what happened.”

In fact, like any criminal investigator, Carlson asked the key question — who benefits? Obviously, Assad, who was on the verge of crushing the al Qaeda-led, globalist-backed uprising against his regime, has the most to lose.

“Assad’s forces had been winning the war in Syria. The administration just announced its plans to pull American troops out of Syria having vanquished ISIS. That’s good news for Assad. About the only thing he could do to reverse it and to hurt himself would be to use poison gas against children,” Carlson noted. “Well he did it anyway, they tell us. He’s that evil! Please keep in mind this is the same story they told us last April. Do you remember that it was almost exactly a year ago that the new administration announced it was no longer seeking to depose Assad from power? Regime change was no longer our policy.”

In fact, practically the same scenario played out last year. And yet, even the U.S. government admits that it still has no proof Assad was behind the previous attack. “The story, it turns out, was propaganda, designed to manipulate Americans, just like so much of what they say,” Carlson said, no doubt sparking unfathomable rage and fury among establishment warmongers, war profiteers, and their propagandists in the press. “We’ve seen this movie before and we know how it ends.”

Like any liberty-loving American, Carlson declined to defend Assad’s moral character, even suggesting he was “perfectly capable” of gassing children. For the sake or argument, Carlson suggested a thought experiment: Suppose the establishment was not lying this time, and Assad really did use chemical weapons. “Would that be worth starting a new war?” he asked. “Overthrowing Assad’s regime in Syria would result in chaos. Many thousands would die. In fact we might likely see the genocide of one of the last remaining Christian communities in the Middle East and we ought to care about that.” Indeed, as this magazine has been documenting for years, one common thread running through U.S. military interventions overseas is the slaughter of Christians.

Some of the dead in Syria would undoubtedly be American servicemen, Carlson continued, adding that any new war would likely cost tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars. “Would it make America safer? Would it make the region more stable? Let’s see, how exactly did regime change work in Iraq and Libya?” Carlson asked, reminding millions of Americans about the costly tragedies unleashed across the region by illegal U.S. military intervention. “That doesn’t matter! say our moral leaders on CNN and everywhere else.” The Fox host also pointed out Washington’s dirty little secret: Many of the “rebels” backed by the U.S. government are actually “Islamist crazies” seeking Sharia law, as this magazine has been documenting since the start of the conflict in 2012.

Carlson pointed to Trump’s own comments on Syria over the years — principles that helped endear him to the American people so much that they elected him to the presidency, in defiance of the entire warmongering establishment and all of its propaganda outlets disguised as news agencies. “We should stay the hell out of Syria, the rebels are just as bad as the current regime, what will we get for our lives and billions of dollars? Zero!” Trump tweeted when Obama was banging the war drums. “Let the Arab League take care of Syria. Why are these rich Arab countries not paying us for the tremendous cost of such an attack?”

Carlson followed that up by hammering on the lies of the establishment. “Now the same people who brought you a dying American middle class, undefended American borders and endless pointless wars in countries you could not find on a map, are telling the president he’s got to depose Assad for reasons that are both unclear and demonstrably dishonest,” Carlson said. “And by the way, it may happen. Before it does, Congress ought to consider a brand-new constitutional amendment. Let’s call it the Lindsey Graham Amendment. Here’s what it would say: Congress shall topple no government until it finishes re-building the last government it toppled and furthermore talk-show generals shall be required to personally visit the battlefield of every war they advocate for.”

A separate segment by Carlson featuring left-leaning but non-establishment investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald made similar points.

Of course, the dying propaganda organs of the establishment were left foaming at the mouth over the Carlson monologue. Newsweek, for example, which recently sold for $1 and was caught faking web traffic numbers to scam advertisers, ran an unhinged rant by far-left warmonger Michael Edison Hayden. It was almost too ludicrous to believe. Among other claims, Hayden argued that the “alt-right” movement was responsible for helping “inject” supposed “conspiracy theories” and opposition to military intervention into Trump’s base of support. The piece even quoted a fringe law professor claiming distrust of the media has its roots in the John Birch Society, which the author also falsely characterizes as “far-right” along with Carlson and everyone else who questions the war propaganda. In the comments section, readers from across the political spectrum ridiculed Newsweek and the author.

In a follow-up propaganda piece, Hayden went even further, claiming Carlson’s Syria segment “mirrored certain aspects of what has been said on neo-Nazi and white nationalist conspiracy websites.”

On the neoconservative pseudo-right, warmongering propagandists were similarly outraged by Carlson’s monologue. One especially unhinged advocate for killing more people in illegal Middle East wars, associate editor Noah Rothman of the discredited neocon war-propaganda journal “Commentary,” slammed Carlson for his assertions which “represent nothing less than undiluted Russian propaganda.” The screed accused Carlson of “willfully” misleading his audience to “advance Russian geopolitical narratives in defense of a blood-soaked regime that threatens American interests.” Far-left establishment propaganda organs celebrated “conservative” Rothman for slandering Carlson. By contrast, Carlson had the decency to invite Rothman on his show, before proceeding to make a mockery of his agenda and dishonesty.

Carlson’s monologue may go down in history as one of the most important wrecking balls to hit the warmongering establishment’s propaganda to ever make it on to the TV screens of the increasingly discredited establishment press. Of course, with the rise of the Internet, Fox’s reputation as “conservative” or “fair” has come under growing scrutiny — especially considering the membership of Fox’s parent company in the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, the premier organ of establishment power and warmongering propaganda in America. But as the firing and destruction of then-immensely-popular commentator Glenn Beck showed, the globalist power-brokers who control the media are only willing to tolerate so much truth before the ax comes down. Americans should do everything possible to spread the truth through every medium still available.

Trump is reportedly still considering his options on Syria and assessing “intelligence,” as lawmakers from both parties warn that he has no authority to wage war without congressional authorization. In the meantime, Americans are waking up by the millions.

Photo: screen-grab from Tucker Carlson’s broadcast exposing warmongers on Syria

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOUor on Facebook. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

My Thoughts –

Tucker lays out the argument perfectly – there’s nothing but downside for Assad to have gassed his own people. So why would he do it? He’s got everything to lose and nothing to gain from it. So why would he do it? The United States (Trump) was signaling a pullout altogether from Syria. Assad doesn’t want us there, neither do the Russians or Iran and yet these 3 regimes are the only ones cited as the possible culprits, know one else is.

Who wants us to stay there? Elements in own government do for sure, just look at the news lately, listen to the taking heads on TV both right and left wing. They agree on this one point: that the Assad regime must be replaced. Just 2 weeks ago President Trump was talking about pulling out of Syria completely and now Nikki Haley the US Ambassador to the United Nations says: “Were Not Withdrawing Troops From Syria “Until Goals Accomplished”, More Russian Sanctions Coming”

So if we had withdrawn from Syria completely and then these chemical attacks happened, would we crank up the war machine and send troops back over there? What about other countries that torture & kill their own people ruthlessly, on a daily basses, some using chemical agents and some using agents that are far worse then chemical weapons to do it. Why are we not concerned about them??!!

Assad had recently made gains against his rebel enemy and was about to win. So in celebration you just go out and gas your people???

Is Assad this stupid?…. Knowing that by using gas, especially against innocent woman & children he would be admonished, hated and completely open to the worlds wrath. Not to mention that the use of poison gas has long been considered a war crime since it’s been outlawed.

If Assad was going to take the risk of using Poison Gas to brutally kill a bunch of people, wouldn’t he rather use it against his enemy, the rebels, to help win the war??? Wouldn’t it be easier to justify using this type of weapon against an enemy, rather than his own people???

Nothing about this alleged chemical attack makes any sense at all. In fact, if I may be so bold to say, I am certain it was someone else besides the Russians, Assad or Iran that did it.



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  13. Serwis www przeznaczony zdaje się być sferze należytych inwestycji. Zarówno kredytowych w postaci lokat, oraz dalszych. Dzisiejsze recenzje inwestycyjne, które to mają możliwość ulżyć Tobie na miejscu mojego dobraniu opłacalnego kredytu mieszkaniowego pozostaną opracowywane poprzez specjalistów zajmującymi się od wielu lat finansami. Najnowsze doniesienia ze świata bankowości. Omawianie przeróbek, które są w stanie wpłynąć pozytywnie na domowe i firmowe fundusze. Od wortalu są charakterystyki pewnych najciekawszych wyrobów finansowych, także oferowanych za pomocą parabanki. Strona czyli jedynka z nielicznych podjął się zarówno problematyki asekurowań. Wraz ze witryną internetową nauczą się Państwo lokować swoje zaoszczędzone pieniądze. A wówczas gdy nie zaakceptować posiadają Państwo środków, owo niezwykle przychylne wskazówki nauczą gospodarowania domowym budżetem. Na temat, iż to wykonalne nie należy się nazbyt długo szkolić. Wystarcza odwiedzić, aby posługiwać się na miejscu mojego funkcjonowanie należytego niezmiernie cennych rad. Jest to dowód na to, hdy robić oszczędności jest sens też przy pospolitych transakcjach, oraz w pobliżu zbędnych przedsięwzięciach https://chwilowkanet.pl/ chwilowka.

  14. Serwis web oddany jest płaszczyźnie poprawnych lokaty. Tak jak pieniężnych pod postacią lokat, jak i również pozostałych. Aktualne zestawienia pieniężne, które to potrafią ulżyć Klientkom po dopasowaniu opłacalnego kredytu mieszkaniowego mogą być opracowywane poprzez fachowców zajmującymi się od wielu lat finansami. Najnowsze dane z dziedziny bankowości. Omawianie metamorfoz, które to mają prawo wywrzeć wpływ dobrze na domowe oraz firmowe fundusze. W portalu są charakterystyki pewnych najznakomitszych wytworów pieniężnych, także przedkładanych przez parabanki. Portal a więc jeden wprawą niewielu podjął się również treści zabezpieczeń. Wraz ze stroną internetową www nauczą się Państwo inwestować prywatne środków. I o ile nie pełnią Państwo pieniędzy, wówczas niezwykle przychylne rady nauczą zarządzania domowym budżetem. W ten sposób, hdy jest to realne nie powinno się się zbytnio czasochłonnie instruować. Starczy zajrzeć na, by użytkować na twórczości wprawą ogromnie wartościowych sugestii. To argument na to, że robić oszczędności możemy również wobec pospolitych transakcjach, a także koło niepotrzebnychm projektach https//pozyczkaland.pl/ pożyczka.

  15. Blog, który jest poświęcony dziedzinie rzeczy sugerowanych przez obiektu bankowe, nieustannie rozbudowuje swoją własną bazę. Co chwila ujrzeć można dzisiejsze posty, oraz sugestie pomagające podejmować prawidłowe postanowienia. Klient bankowy zwiedzający własny blog dowie się, gdzie banku opłaca się rzeczywiście założyć konto bankowe własne, zaś w jakiej placówce bankowej najkorzystniejszy pozostanie wierzytelność. Co więcej rekomendacje organizowane dzięki obeznanych specjalistów wspierają nakierować na prawidłowy produkt finansowy. Zręcznością wpisów można dowiedzieć się, że nie ma co wydaje się być się sugerować chwytami marketingowymi. Ażeby wyniuchać radość oraz wartości płynące wraz z zawartej umowy pożądane byłoby zanalizować danemu produktowi trochę szybciej. Niezmiernie pożyteczne od serwisie www okazują się aktualizowane porównywarki finansowe. Za sprawą rankingom, jest dozwolone docenić, jaka lokata bądź jaki to kredyt mieszkaniowy w tym momencie okazuje się być istotnie dochodowy. Powinno się śledzić aktualności, które to pojawiają się od wortalu. Wówczas warto znajdować się non stop wraz z światem zasobów, chwilówek, inwestycji a także różnego modelu ubezpieczeń https://finanero.pl/pozyczki/pozyczka-przez-internet pożyczka internetowa.

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  18. Portal web zadedykowany okazuje się być problematyce właściwych lokaty. Podobnie jak skarbowych pod postacią lokat, jak i również odrębnych. Bieżące recenzje finansowe, jakie to zdołają przynieść ulgę Państwu po dopasowaniu opłacalnego kredytu mieszkaniowego będą opracowywane za sprawą profesjonalistów zajmującymi się od wielu lat finansami. Najnowsze adnotacje z dziedziny bankowości. Omawianie modyfikacji, jakie to mają szansę wywrzeć wpływ na plus jako domowe jak również firmowe środki pieniężne. Od serwisie internetowym są charakterystyki wszystkich najciekawszych tworów kredytowych, też proponowanych za sprawą parabanki. Portal jako pewien zręcznością niewielu podjął się dodatkowo problematyki ubezpieczeń. Wraz z witryną internetową nauczą się Państwo inwestować indywidualne środków. Zaten o ile nie zgodzić się posiadają Państwo oszczędności, to niezmiernie przychylne rady nauczą zarządzania domowym budżetem. W ten sposób, hdy to dopuszczalne nie trzeba się nazbyt długo perswadować. Należy odwiedzić, aby używać w działalności zręcznością nadzwyczaj wartościowych wytycznych. Jest to dokument na to, hdy robić oszczędności możemy też koło męczących nas transakcjach, jak i przy niepotrzebnych projektach https://finanero.pl/pozyczki/pozyczka-dla-zadluzonych pożyczka bez bik.

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  20. Portal sieciowy przeznaczony istnieje płaszczyźnie trafnych inwestycji. W podobny sposób finansowych pod postacią lokat, oraz różnych. Teraźniejsze recenzje inwestycyjne, które mają szansę odciążyć Klientom na miejscu mojego dopasowaniu opłacalnego kredytu hipotecznego istnieją opracowywane dzięki specjalistów zajmującymi się od wielu lat finansami. Ostatnie wiadomości ze świata bankowości. Omawianie metamorfoz, jakie to mają prawo wywrzeć wpływ na plus dzięki domowe i firmowe fundusze. Od serwisie mieszczą się charakterystyki wszystkich popularnyc tworów kredytowych, też proponowanych dzięki parabanki. Strona czyli jakiś wprawą paru podjął się także dziedziny polis. Iz witryną internetową nauczą się Państwo wkładać swe gospodarności. Oraz o ile odrzucić mają Państwo środki, są to niezwykle przychylne sugestie nauczą gospodarowania domowym budżetem. W ten sposób, hdy to wykonalne nie powinno się się za bardzo czasochłonnie edukować. Należy odwiedzić, by korzystać po praktyce wraz z bardzo cennych wskazówek. Jest to dowód na to, że oszczędzać jest dozwolone również przy naszych sprawach, jak i również koło niepotrzebnych projektach https://finanero.pl/pozyczki/pozyczka-dla-zadluzonych chwilówka dla zadłużonych.

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  101. Heya! I know this is kind of off-topic but I needed to ask.
    Does operating a well-established website like yours take a massive amount
    work? I’m completely new to running a blog however I do write in my diary everyday.
    I’d like to start a blog so I can share my experience and views
    online. Please let me know if you have any kind of ideas or
    tips for new aspiring blog owners. Thankyou!

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  103. Hmm it appears like your website ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I submitted and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing. Do you have any suggestions for inexperienced blog writers? I’d definitely appreciate it.

  104. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

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